A website for entrepreneur features an interview with the representative for the Martell Cognac company. The interviewer, author of a book on business strategies, asked the representative how he got started. He said he was originally a chef who was asked to visit some customers. He overcame his shyness and emerged to his current role. He advises viewers to be passionate about their job. The interviewer suggests looking at employees to see if someone could become an representative.

Key Takeaways:

  • Schiefelbein talks about what personality traits a brand ambassador should possess.
  • The interview addresses the question of how to progress from not dealing directly with clients to direct interactions with them.
  • You will learn how to find mentors within your organization who can help you become good at your job.

“In this Dynamic Communication interview, author Jill Schiefelbein chats with the senior brand ambassador for Martell Cognac, who talks about his journey into the role, and what makes a good brand ambassador for your company.”

Read more: https://www.entrepreneur.com/video/290599

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