There are 7 changes by Facebook that make it a real local search player. There has been a race to steal market share from Google in local search has been very futile. Google dominates the search world with over 63 percent market share. With a huge base of people using the site, Facebook has an amazing potential to help users in their search for local products as well as helping businesses get found by different people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Location is at the heart of local search, as reflected by Google’s emphasis on proximity and physical address in ranking local search results
  • Not only is location being used more effectively, but places are given much higher priority.
  • The single non-relevant result in the search for lawyers described above was a common problem with many searches 18 months ago

“Columnist Wesley Young looks at recent improvements Facebook has made — and functionality being tested — that may position the social media giant to compete with Google in the area of local search.”

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