One way to improve your web marketing strategy is to showcase your best customer reviews. Sincere endorsements will boost your image.

A second way to enhance your corporate online image is by engaging with customers through social media. People want to be heard, so show them you’re listening by responding, liking, and sharing their posts about your brand.

Finally, it’s a great idea to blog about new developments in the industry. By highlighting consumer trends you’ll reach your target audience and gain new customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • People trust reviewers as much as their family when it comes to product recommendations
  • Engage with your customers on social media to show you are invested in them and to make it seem more personal
  • Bring in local experts to write about the products since they are often the voice of the community

“Writing blog posts can take a lot of time – you have to find ideas, research them, then somehow squeeze the time into your day to actually write the post. It can seem daunting, but content marketing is 62% cheaper than other forms of marketing – and can bring in 3x more leads.”

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